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Pricing: How Big Beauty Makes You Pay


Here's the thing big beauty doesn't want you to know - the price you pay for premium skincare has no reflection on how much it actually costs to make it. What you're actually paying for is a lot of fluff: executive salaries, fancy packaging, R+D, celebrity endorsements, and lots and lots of profit. We've stripped all of that out to deliver you high quality products, without all the padding.

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Pricing: How Big Beauty Makes You Pay

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The Ultimate Guide to Skincare Cycle Syncing: Week 2 of Your Menstrual Cycle

The Ultimate Guide to Skincare Cycle Syncing: Week 2 of Your Menstrual Cycle

By Same Skincare

Week 2 of the menstrual cycle, known as the follicular phase, offers a unique opportunity to tailor your skincare regimen for optimal results.

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The Ultimate Guide to Skincare Cycle Syncing: Week 1 of Your Menstrual Cycle

The Ultimate Guide to Skincare Cycle Syncing: Week 1 of Your Menstrual Cycle

By Same Skincare

The goal of Skincare Cycle Syncing is to enhance the effectiveness of your skincare routine and products by addressing specific skin concerns that arise during different phases of your menstrual cycle so...

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